Thursday, February 9, 2012

What Are You Becoming?

If you have known about the Discipleship Council’s Internship for a couple years, you have probably heard very similar descriptions of summers, “God changed my life in this way”, or “God has taught me this over the summer”. My summer falls right in line with previous descriptions. I was challenged and taught in many ways this summer.

I am not going to recount my summer for you, but I will invite you to read my blog and learn more about my summer. Here, in this reflection, I am going to challenge you to the same challenge that I have been given this summer. “What are you becoming? Where are you going? How are you living for your God?”

At this point in my life I am a sophomore in college, and as my friends at school, who are all older than me, put it, I am the baby, young and inexperienced. So, I got some experience this summer, and that was the thing I wanted most out of my summer. Having only finished one year of college, which was mainly filled with Gen-Ed classes, it was difficult to try my hand at things that I knew nothing about.

However, challenges and difficulties are what make us grow. My best-friend shared that piece of knowledge with me. During one of my weeks I was slightly upset because of the challenges I was facing. In a conversation with my best-friend she told me that, “that’s when you need to show your leadership skills…Take charge…” When I replied saying that it is hard to do she scolded me saying, “We grow only when we step out of our comfort zone. And that’s when we need to rely on God. Yeah, it’s scary. Is for me too. But it’s how God designed us.”

I am a double major in Biblical and Ministry Studies (concentration in Children and Youth Ministry), and Music Ministry. People all summer asked me what I plan on doing when I graduate college, and my honest answer is that I do not know. Wherever God leads me is where I will go. What I do know right now is that God has brought me to Waynesburg University to study in these two fields. God has provided me with everything I need here. God has given me an amazing summer where I learned so much about myself, about Him, and about following Him step by step. Finally, God will get me through the next three years, and life, if I stay focused on Him.

Now finally, to my challenge; “What are you becoming?” God indirectly asked me this question this summer. My answer is that I am becoming Him. My goal, my aspiration in life is to look like Him, to reflect Him in every aspect of my life. Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” We were created to be like God, is that what you are becoming?

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