Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 1 - Fairview Avenue BIC

Fairview BIC  Monday May 10–Sunday May 16

Overall, my time at Fairview BIC was a wonderful beginning. I learned a lot from many different people.

May 10, 2010 Monday:
Today marked a very good first day of my internship. I was able to just sit in Pastor Ben Thompson’s office and observe the simple happenings. Nothing too exciting or out of the norm happened today, but it was a good day. Pastor Ben did a wonderful job at engaging me and encouraging me to jump right in. This evening was a board meeting that I sat in on. I learned a lot from just observing this meeting. During the meeting the Associate Pastor, Pastor Shannon was talking about the youth ministry, and something he said was something I hadn’t really thought about before. In youth ministry there are the kids who have grown up in the church and need to be taught more in-depth about God and Christianity, and there are the kids who have no knowledge of God whatsoever and need to be taught the basics. Trying to find the balance between the two is very difficult. Overall, it was a very good first day to my internship and I am looking forward to many more good days.

May 11, 2010 Tuesday
I sat in on a staff meeting at eleven today, and then enjoyed lunch out with Pastor Ben and Pastor Shannon. Sitting across from them at lunch I was able to observe how they worked together. Watching them, it wasn’t obvious that Pastor Ben had just started working there a few months ago. The topic of discussion at lunch turned to spiritual gifts; and watching them talk, essentially with each other was a joy and a learning experience. After lunch I was able to help Pastor Shannon with picking a game for Wednesday night’s youth group. I will also be assisting with worship on Wednesday night, and briefly speaking about who I am and why I am there. I then had a wonderful dinner with Pastor Shannon and his family. At six I then attend the Global Impact Team Meeting. At seven I joined the Sunday’s worship team practice and will be playing flute during worship on Sunday. Today was a good observing and learning day.

May 12, 2010 Wednesday
This morning I went with Julie Miller to an English as a second language class. It was a very interesting class to watch. After lunch, I talked with Heather Monn and listened to her story and we talked about ministry. At clubs and youth group I floated from class to class. The clubs kids were in the process of going to the store to redeem their points for prizes. I was able to help lead worship for the youth group and then sit in on Pastor Shannon’s lesson. Both were good learning experiences.

May 13, 2010 Thursday
Again I spent a portion of my day with Julie Miller. I went with her to do sidewalk counseling in front of an abortion clinic in Hagerstown. We were there for about two hours. Only one person went in, a woman in the National Guard who was picking up records. So it was an uneventful time, but I was able to spend those two hours in prayer and reading my Bible. I pray that God will use my time to impact young women. I then was able to sit with Bill and Holly Campbell. The Campbells were missionaries to Muslims in Morocco for over 35 years. It was amazing to listen to their stories. After I left their house I spent a few hours watching about seven children for Kathy Long. Later that evening I attended the Long’s home group.

May 14, 2010 Friday
This morning I was able to sit in on Michelle Benshoff’s mentoring meeting. It was a very encouraging time. In the afternoon I met with Michelle Dampf and we discussed Children and Youth Ministry, which was very helpful and informative.

May 15, 2010 Saturday
I attended a Worship Committee meeting and then chatted with the head of the committee over lunch. In the afternoon I participated in a youth event, “Nerf-dart Exchange.” Pastor Shannon said that he titled it that because we don’t promote wars. I had so much fun playing this game and interacting with the kids.

May 16, 2010 Sunday
My day started with worship practice at eight, followed by sitting in on the Preschool Sunday school class. During the class I made an observation. The teacher told the story of the ten lepers who are healed by Jesus, and only one returns to thank him. She used a picture story book that told the story. I was slightly shocked to realize that this passage from the Bible had been transformed into a picture book. In my opinion, when reading a story from the Bible to children, it should be read from the Bible. In contrast to the Sunday school class, Kathy Long led the children’s church, entitled “Children in Worship.” Kathy also told the children a story from the Bible, the parable of the wedding feast. Kathy did not read the story, but rather retold the story in her own words. Even though Kathy did not read from the Bible, the children understood that the story came from the Bible. These two recounts of Biblical passages are very different, and really made me reconsider how I will tell passages of the Bible to children.

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