Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 7 - World Missions/Gen Conf

BIC World Missions/General Conference  Tuesday July 6–Sunday July 11

Throughout the week I was able to learn more about BIC World Missions and what the staff there does. The first thing I did when I arrived at the BICWM office was to sit in on a staff meeting. The meeting started with devotions. Which made me wonder what would happen if every staff meeting in every area of ministry started with devotions? Wouldn’t that be cool?

General Conference was a very good experience. It was great to see how everyone, from around the world, who is connected with the Brethren In Christ denomination gathered together to unite. The business meetings were informative and it was neat to see the workings of the BIC denomination. The odd jobs I did, while not elaborate or fancy, were unique and I was glad to be able to help in small ways.

During the week I was able to go with Mike Holland to his church. I helped with the English/Spanish as Second Languages Classes and the Music Class. I was also able to help with worship Sunday morning for the joint Hispanic service.

Friday night at General Conference I joined the World Missions office to present a skit called Cardboard Testimonies. Each person involved describes their testimony in two sections that will fit on a piece of cardboard. The section that describes their life before Christ is written on one side of the cardboard; the other section that describes their life after Christ is written on the other side. In the days leading up to Friday I had the chance to put the testimonies of some of the participants onto cardboard. It was interesting to me to know the testimonies and then have them matched with the people.

Standing on the stage during the skit really impacted me. I was the youngest participant and it was very cool to see how God impacted and changed the lives of all the people. My testimony “Church Kid” – “Passionately Living For Christ” seems simple and meager compared to the testimony of someone who did not grow up in the Church. But, my testimony is powerful and is extremely powerful when standing next to the testimonies of adults who also passionately live for Christ. The knowledge that yeah, I grew up going to Church, and the knowledge that others who were on stage with me encountered a major life change combined to impact me greatly and show me that every single person is touched by God in some way and every single person is changed and used by God.

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