Thursday, August 21, 2014

So...Day 2 and I almost went to bed without adding a post.....but hey, I remembered and that's what counts....

I know that sometimes God works in unique ways.  But more often than not, I forget to look for His work.  I forget to pay attention.  I forget. I get busy. I just don't want to. And blah blah blah....more excuses.

My devotional (Jesus Calling) for tonight says this:

"I am a God who heals.  I heal broken bodies, broken minds, broken hearts, broken lives, and broken relationships.  My very presence has immense healing powers...The healing may be instantaneous, or it may be a process.  That is up to Me.  Your part is to trust Me fully and to thank Me for the restoration that has begun..."

In the past year I have been broken in each of those ways.  The whole time I have been aware of God, and aware of His healing.  Yet, I have not been able to ask or allow Him to restore me.

However, if Trust is all it takes to ask Him to restore me, to heal me. Then by golly, I think I might try to do just that.

Guess that means I've gotta put in an effort and do something.  I must act on that trust in order to actually believe that He will be in control.  So for me, step 1: start my mornings a bit better, in prayer and in scripture.  (I'll let you know how that works out for this Night Owl)

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